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"Precarity is the condition of being vulnerable to others. Unpredictable encounters transform us; we are not in control, even of ourselves. Unable to rely on a stable structure of community, we are thrown into shifting assemblages, which remake us as well as our others. We can’t rely on the status quo; everything is in flux, including our ability to survive.” Anna Tsing, Mushroom at the End of the World
“Many worlds have gone before this one. Our traditional histories are tightly woven with the fabric of the birthing and ending of worlds. Through these cataclysms we have gained many lessons that have shaped who we are and how we are to be with​ one ​another. Our ways of being informed through finding harmony through and from the destruction of worlds. The Elliptic. Birth. Death. Rebirth.”
​— Rethinking the Apocalypse: An Indigenous Anti-Futurist Manifesto
Queer and trans subjectivities remind us that it is possible to live, at least in part, outside of or in opposition to the time of capital, and to challenge timelines that presume the inevitability of linear gender and sexual development...Indeed, queer and trans people have always been at the vanguard of radical ways of working, playing, fucking, organizing, educating, parenting, making home, making art, and creating ritual that defy normative patterns of clock, biological, and nuclear family time. In spite of the daily traumas of living in the time of capital, freedom from harm is possible through creativity and collaboration ” --Jaclyn Pryor, Time Slips
“...we cannot be satisfied with the recognition and acknowledgement generated by the very system that denies a) that anything was ever broken and b) that we deserved to be the broken part; so we refuse to ask for recognition and instead we want to take apart, dismantle, tear down the structure that, right now, limits our ability to find each other, to see beyond it and to access the places that we know lie outside its walls. We cannot say what new structures will replace the ones we live with yet, because once we have torn shit down, we will inevitably see more and see differently and feel a new sense of wanting and being and becoming.”Jack Halberstam, The Undercommons
"The intensities of living through things accumulate and pool up in worldings and forms of attending to what's happening to trauma cultures, redemption cultures, recreational worlds, public feelings fueled by humor, sarcasm or rage, forms of critique or cocooning, worlds of volunteering or self help or activism or art or exercise. All of these are little worlds that some people immerse themselves in, or dip in and out of, or make fun of, or build a light and temporary link to before they move on to something else. And there are always pockets of things left hanging in the air."--Kathleen Stewart, Atmospheric Attunements
“Utopian Performativity is often fueled by the past. The past, or at least narrative of the past, enable utopian imaginings of another time and place that is not yet here but nonetheless functions as a doing for futurity, a conjuring of both future and past to critique presentness.” (José Muñoz, Cruising Utopia
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